We are contractor for the DIGI ENE initiative and the Community of Innovative Educators, developed and promoted by the European Training Foundation to foster the promotion, discussion and adoption of innovative teaching and learning practices among teachers, trainers and other education professionals
About Us
STEPS pioneers approaches to formal and non-formal learning to enable personal growth and inclusive and sustainable change in organizations and territories. STePS develops and manages projects aimed at empowering people through personalized, collaborative and participatory forms of learning. We foster learning opportunities by using museums, libraries, theatres, gardens and even supermarkets as alternative learning environments, but we do not give up on essential activities such as proper training needs analysis, assessment and recognition of skills. STEPS facilitates the active participation of institutions and organizations, both public and private, in the programs of the European Commission, which can contribute to a coherent and significant renewal of regional, national and European policies in the field of education, innovation, culture and of social policies
Our team

Roberto Righi

Marta Tybura

maria giulia sola

svenja pokorny

pier giacomo sola

Gvantsa Jichoshvili