MyCred4Home in Spain

How to increase the visibility and value of learning taking place outside formal education and training systems?

🎯 This is the main question of #MyCred4Home#Erasmus+ project, which intends to:
💡promote social and professional inclusion through micro-credentials and validation of non-formal and informal learning in the Personal and Household Service (PHS) sector.
What we have achieved by now?
⛳ The Benchmarking Report: research presenting the current situation of the use, role and potential of micro-credentials in partner countries. 
⛳ Definition of standards for key competences & reference framework in the PHS sector

🔮 What is coming next?
–      Validation process and
–      pilot training with the use of an online platform

Your voice counts! Voice of the main #stakeholder is heard in the project.

Employers, employees, validation experts, employment agencies, policy makers, unions, and all players engaged in the #validation of #competences and #social inclusion policies are extremely important for the development and dissemination of #MyCred4Home project. Until now about 50 📣 practitioners have been consulted by our partnership.

The project is coordinated by IPERIA (France), in cooperation with STEPS (Italy), GDOCE (Spain), Centre Familial de Bruxelles (Belgium), University of Cyprus
