Developing an understanding of teachers’ needs in relation to critical digital literacies is a key steps for the future of education. We contributed and are contributing to the following projects in this topic:
DIGI ENE is one of the sub-initiatives launched in the context of the ETF Network of Excellence. The overall objective is to show how digital teaching and learning can efficiently increase students’ learning, presenting tools and methodologies, and supporting participating Centres of Excellence in integrating them in their working environment
IHUB4schools aims to coordinate and support sustainable multi-level Regional Innovation Hubs in local communities across Europe, fostering the scaling of the digital innovation

KNORK promotes Knowledge Work Practices in Education, and builds on a need for easily applicable pedagogical approaches supporting novel knowledge work and digital competencies

DETECT – Developing Teachers’ Critical Digital Literacies – aims to develop an understanding of teachers’ needs in relation to critical digital literacies within a school context